1,5 months later... - Reisverslag uit Nederland, Nederland van Laura Tilleman - WaarBenJij.nu 1,5 months later... - Reisverslag uit Nederland, Nederland van Laura Tilleman - WaarBenJij.nu

1,5 months later...

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Laura

03 April 2013 | Nederland, Nederland

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

That was the end of my journal, I didn’t write the last bit... We had a final meeting at the airport, my suitcase was cut open, there were a lot of hugs and a lot of parents looking for their child when we got into the hall. I hugged everyone I think, but before I went I really wanted to give Lieven and Loes another hug, because I won’t see them in school or such... I gave Lieven a hug, but Loes was already gone. We also went towards the exit, and I told my parents about Lieven and Loes, and that was the only moment I got tears in my eyes. I thought of the friends I made here, and of course I felt a bit gloomy because I didn’t give Loes another hug. I only saw her back going out the door and she didn’t hear me call her name.

It sounds a bit dramatic, but last Friday we had a self-organized reunion and I got to give Loes a hug after all. It was so normal to see everyone, it’s like they’re here all the time. I know that we have this bond that will last long. The 26th of April we have a barbeque at the Heister, and I know that will also feel very normal, just a gathering with all our friends. There are also three couples now, Sem and Lisa, Arno and Iris, still lasting, even though they live further apart and Loes and Lieven, who didn’t tell me! ;o But I’m happy for them :)

I have to say, I’ve bonded more with the children from the Netherlands then with the South-African students. I still think about South-Africa a lot, and there’s a lot of talking about it in the South-Africa Whatsapp. I didn’t feel like school some weeks after the trip, but I felt bad... I was making homework, and I hated it, but is that fair against the South-African kids? They’d love to go to school and make homework... I think I’ll keep thinking things like that. I hope to go back to South-Africa once, but for now I’ll keep thinking of this trip, the great group and the amazing experience. Baie dankie!!

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